Women's Bible Study


Tuesday, November 28, 2023




The Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study is looking forward to studying the book of Revelations over the next several months, along with the book 'Blessed', by Nancy Guthrie. Please feel free to join us! We will meet every other Tuesday to study a new chapter of Revelations, review the questions and learn from each other as we continue to grow in our faith. On the alternate Tuesdays, Inge deVisser will lead a study and do a deeper dive into the chapters studied in the previous week for anyone who is available and interested in attending every week.

We will begin on Tuesday, Sept 19 at 7:15-8:45 and will meet every other week in the church basement. (For some members, this will coincide with their children's catechism class which should be helpful.) The first evening Inge de Visser will provide an introduction to the book of Revelations. The questions will be printed off and ready for you at the first meeting. If you have not yet ordered a book, please contact Anna DeHaan. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
All women are welcome!

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