Awake Men's Bible Study


Saturday, November 23, 2019




Cornerstone Fellowship Hall


Join us on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 7:00 am for breakfast and Bible study. We will watch Lecture 3 of "The Great Commission" titled "Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All Nations". The great commandment of the Great Commission is the clear directive of Jesus Christ to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” This is a command requiring nothing short of our obedience, for it is by going and making disciples that we fulfill the Great Commission. In this lesson, Dr. Parsons teaches us exactly what it means—and what it does not mean—to be and to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Awake is a Men's Bible study meeting roughly every other Saturday from October to April. Men of all ages are welcome for breakfast, fellowship and study of God's Word. We meet at 7:00 am for breakfast in the church fellowship hall and then move to the lounge by 7:30 for a video and discussion relevant to our Christian walk. Our goal is to get your back to your regular Saturday activities by 8:30 am. The suggestion donation to help cover breakfast costs is $2.
Alvar Vandenbeukel and Trevor VanderVelde

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