"Awake" Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study


Saturday, November 7, 2020






In times of suffering, questions about God’s goodness press in on our minds. Faith engages us in a wrestling match with our emotions and our trust in God. Should we be surprised by suffering? Could it be that suffering is part of the human condition? A calling ordained by God? In our study for the first half of this year we will be watching the video series “Surprised by Suffering”, where Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the most difficult struggle of our experience: the problem of pain. He shows us that God is involved in our suffering and reminds us that a time is coming when there will be no more pain, death, sorrow, or sadness.
God is sovereign over suffering and death. He sometimes actually calls us to suffer and even to die. Throughout Scripture, we encounter people whose suffering was the necessary vehicle by which God was able to accomplish His purpose. In our next lesson called "Suffering: A Divine Vocation", Dr. Sproul examines three individuals who were called to suffer so that something great might come out of it.
All men from Cornerstone are encouraged to join us at 7:00 am on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020 in the Church basement for a time of fellowship and Bible Study. This year, due to COVID 19 we will not be serving coffee or breakfast, and all COVID 19 protocols will be followed. You are encouraged to bring your own coffee. Guests and visitors are also welcome! We will watch our video, followed by a time of discussion and prayer, and will aim to finish around 8:00 am.

Contact: Trevor VanderVelde | 905.906.0114 | trevor_vdv81@hotmail.ca

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